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Cloning and building

Build prerequisites

You need to have the following tools installed on your computer


Debian based distributions (Debian / Ubuntu / Linux Mint / elementary OS)

In your terminal

sudo apt-get install -y golang-go build-essential git

Enterprise based distributions (Red Hat® / CentOS / CloudLinux / Fedora)

In your terminal

sudo yum install -y golang git


Installing Git

  1. Open Git Downloads page
  2. Download the Windows Installer(.exe)
  3. Run the downloaded Git-v.exe Installer

Installing Go

  1. Open Go Downloads page
  2. Download the Windows Installer(.msi)
  3. Run the downloaded MSI Installer

Mac OS X

In your terminal

/bin/sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install git
brew install go

Getting the source

In your terminal

# Clone kwatch repository
git clone

Build kwatch

In your terminal

go build