Newcomers are always welcome to contribute to kwatch, and we are happy to offer help to newcomers. Before making changes, please first discuss the change you want to make through Discord, or email us at
There are many ways to contribute:
- Suggest new features to be implemented
- Report issues
- Fixing issues
- Improve Documentation
Code Contribution
If you wish to work on an issue, please comment on the issue that you want to work on it. This is to prevent duplicated efforts on the same issue.
Contributions to kwatch should be made in the form of pull requests (PR) to the main branch.
Each pull request will be reviewed by someone with permission to land patches.
After reviewing the patch, it could be merged to the main branch or given feedback for changes. (Seems not clear to you! Don't worry, we have added tutorials for Github Workflow
Code of Conduct
We expect everyone to follow the Code Of Conduct