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General Configuration

maxRecentLogLinesOptional Max tail log lines in messages, if it's not provided it will get all log lines
namespacesOptional comma separated list of namespaces that you want to watch or forbid, if it's not provided it will watch all namespaces. If you want to forbid a namespace, configure it with !<namespace name>. You can either set forbidden namespaces or allowed, not both.
reasonsOptional comma separated list of reasons that you want to watch or forbid, if it's not provided it will watch all reasons. If you want to forbid a reason, configure it with !<reason>. You can either set forbidden reasons or allowed, not both.
ignoreFailedGracefulShutdownIf set to true, containers which are forcefully killed during shutdown (as their graceful shutdown failed) are not reported as error
ignoreContainerNamesOptional comma separated list of container names to ignore
ignorePodNamesOptional list of pod name regexp patterns to ignore
IgnoreLogPatternsOptional list of regexp patterns of logs to ignore


apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: kwatch
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: kwatch
namespace: kwatch
config.yaml: |
maxRecentLogLines: 20
ignoreFailedGracefulShutdown: true
- default